The Bayonne Bridge “Raise the Roadway” Program

Mar 25, 2015 | Events, News

The Bayonne Bridge “Raise the Roadway” Program

By Joann Papageorgis, Program Director
The Bayonne Bridge Navigational Clearance Program

Tuesday, April 7, 2015
Special Events Forum. Edward J Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy
33 Livingston Avenue, New Brunswick, NJ

The existing 151-foot clearance of the Bayonne Bridge is a limitation to future Post-Panamax vessels following the anticipated completion of the Panama Canal expansion.  In late 2010, The Port Authority of NY and NJ approved the $1.3 billion dollars and initiated the planning, environmental regulatory review, preliminary engineering and final design of the “Raise the Roadway” alternative to achieve a 215-foot navigational clearance.

This presentation will provide an overview of the innovative approach to advance rehabilitation and redesign of the historic Bayonne Bridge, in lieu of other bridge replacement alternatives.

Animation and video clips will illustrate the innovative design, construction staging and community mitigation that was implemented to advance this critical regional infrastructure project which is approximately 30% complete.

View the flyer (PDF).

Presented by the Alan M. Voorhees Transportation Center,  The Center for Advanced Infrastructure and Transportation, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey along with the North Jersey Transportation Planning Authority and the Port Authority of New York/New Jersey.

Light reception to follow the lecture.  Free and open to the public.
Please click here to RSVP.