VTC-POET and Project Partners are finalists in the 2024 ArcGIS StoryMaps Competition, Storytelling for a Better World, for The Springwood Avenue Heritage Walk project!
Over 570 storytellers—students and professionals alike—entered the competition across five categories: Digital Humanities and Popular Culture; Health and Safety; Humanitarian and Disaster Relief; Nature and Physical Science; and Planning and Infrastructure. Entries came from 58 countries and were created in multiple languages, including Chinese, Czech, Dutch, English, German, Italian, Norwegian, Spanish, Swedish, and Vietnamese.
From these submissions, the StoryMaps editorial team selected finalists in each category—up to five student stories and ten professional stories—based on storytelling techniques; use of GIS and ArcGIS StoryMaps, and innovative approaches to the competition’s theme.
Now, we need your help to get us to the finish line! Cast your vote The Springwood Avenue Heritage Walk! in the Community Choice category. Voting is open until March 12, 2025—follow the link below to explore all the nominees and make your vote count!