Improving Transit Resilience, Volume 1:
A Guide
The Improving Transit Resilience Guide has been designed with many users in mind but with a focus on the “middle” managers that might be most likely to lead or facilitate the resilience adoption process in their agency. For those new to resilience and even more advanced practitioners, the guide presents an actionable, step-wise approach to help your agency meet the challenges created by extreme weather events and a changing climate. It is designed to encourage agencies of all sizes and states of preparation to define their own circumstances and capabilities to make the transition from “everyday” practices into a forward-looking, risk-recognizing and comprehensive approach to resilience.
The Guide is framed around the concept of resilience adoption across the many “domains” of transit agency business where resilience practices can be incorporated (see Figure 1). References to these domains can be found throughout the Guide and the Improving Transit Resilience database.