The full title of this study is In Pursuit of Seamless Borders: Exploring Microtransit Pilot Viability to Facilitate NJ Community Transit Inter-County Mobility. The main intent of this planning study was to investigate the feasibility of microtransit as a cost-effective means to meet demand for more seamless, inter-county trips among New Jersey’s county community transit customers. For the purposes of this study, the definition used for microtransit has been small scale, on‐demand, dynamic-route, shared transit services such as shared ride taxis and other non-fixed route operations.
Three main study goals, which were achieved, focused on the following:
- To determine and document both challenges and opportunities to promote more seamless, inter-county community transit with microtransit through key informant interviews with transit properties nationwide and service providers undertaking similar efforts and via regional interviews with New Jersey’s 21 county community transit providers;
- To identify New Jersey community transit providers as well as viable potential service partners interested in developing and piloting a microtransit, seamless border service; and
- To develop and present recommendations to facilitate a pilot implementation.