As tax relief and aid diminish each year while transportation costs rise, New Jersey school districts are under increasing pressure to consolidate, reduce or eliminate bus services for students. School districts are not the only transportation provider facing constrained resources. Public transit agencies face their own financial squeeze to efficiently deliver quality transportation services to meet the growing demand against a tide of rising transportation costs. School bus and public transportation agencies face similar economic obstacles, yet they have distinct operating characteristics and scheduling needs, and they are restricted by differing regulations and policies. However, the potential exists for improved efficiencies, cost savings, and retention and expansion of mobility through transportation coordination between the schools and public transit.
This research will review the current status of coordination in New Jersey, evaluate and describe successful models nationally, assess the pros and cons of coordinated transportation, and determine potential barriers and strategies for pursuing transportation coordination within the state of New Jersey.
Read the full the report: Final Coordination School and Public Transit_VTC (PDF)