Principal Investigator: Stephanie DiPetrillo
Since its inception in 2005, (the Transit Friendly Planning Newsletter) has kept municipal officials, planners and advocates up-to-date on the potential for intensive development and redevelopment around transit facilities. Over this period, the need for reliable information about the opportunities, challenges, and best practices for implementing transit-oriented development (TOD) has grown. promotes a dialogue among its readers through research on issues pertinent to advancing TOD. Recent topics examined include affordable housing in TOD (equitable TOD or eTOD); walking, biking, and rolling (active mode) connections to transit facilities; and the role of public space in transit-oriented communities. Additionally, documents ongoing TOD efforts in the state, which serve as case studies, lessons learned, model programs, and best practice examples for practitioners. This two-pronged approach provides readers with pertinent information on a variety of TOD-related topics useful for the creation and promotion of TOD while it also showcases the progress being made to promote development near transit. This format supports the needs of local readers actively engaged in TOD efforts and demonstrates to a national audience the progress being made in New Jersey.
Click here for the current NJTOD project.