Principal Investigator: David Aimen
The NJDOT Technology Transfer (T2) Program, 2021-2026 – Year 2 focuses on the development and implementation of a program to increase the level of awareness concerning transportation-related issues within New Jersey, promote an ongoing exchange of ideas, translate the latest state-of-the-art trends and technology practices, showcase innovation, and promote and disseminate research results in a form that can be readily applied to current transportation problems. Recognized activities leading to the adoption of innovations can include knowledge transfer, training and education, demonstrations and showcases, communications and marketing efforts, technical assistance and more. The NJDOT T2 Program is a collaborative effort with the NJDOT Bureau of Research client in the identification of technology transfer needs, the conduct of communications outreach and engagement processes, and priority-setting among the recognized activities leading to the deployment of innovations. Critical research and implementation activities include:
- Identify and evaluate NJDOT Tech Transfer and knowledge capture needs on an ongoing basis and develop program to accommodate those needs;
- Address knowledge gaps and develop a technology transfer program with training, events and peer exchange program; Maintain the NJDOT Technology Transfer website; Provide support and assistance to the NJDOT Bureau of Research staff in national research efforts and state level research programs; Provide tools and technologies to solicit transportation research ideas and innovative ideas for NJ State Transportation Innovation Council; Prepare an annual Implementation Status Report; and Provide support services for the NJDOT Research Library, including on-site staffing and management of the physical space.