Together North Jersey
Start Year: 2022
Status: In-Progress

Together North Jersey

Principal Investigators: Jon Carnegie, Miriam Salerno

RU-VTC has continued to partner with NJTPA to promote implementation of the Together North Jersey plan with technical activities focused on topics related to economic competitiveness, livability, resiliency, and efficiency. The RU-VTC team provides this technical assistance to various local governments and non-profit organizations in the region through three signature programs, the Vibrant Places Program, the Together North Jersey Institute, and the Research and Knowledge-Building Initiative. The TNJ Vibrant Places Program, provides local assistance to communities to leverage the power of placemaking to strengthen connections between people and places that enhance the social, physical, and economic fabric in communities across the region. Through this program VTC conducts short, 5–6-month local studies in communities that are selected and awarded through a competitive process. The TNJ Institute is open to all and provides access to training and technical assistance events on a variety of topics relating the plan implementation. New for FY2023, the Research and Knowledge-building initiative undertakes original research or develops guidance materials that are broadly applicable to communities throughout the region.

Additional Topics
technical assistance