Jon Dugan is a Research Project Coordinator for the Alan M. Voorhees Transportation Center at Rutgers University. Jon works in pedestrian and bicycle mobility and safety with the main goal of making it easier and safer for both children and adults of all abilities to walk and cycle more. Jon’s professional work at VTC focuses on access, mobility, safety, and equity issues through projects including Safe Routes to School, Complete Streets, and Mature Drivers.
Prior to joining VTC, Jon worked as a Safe Routes Coordinator for RideWise TMA, the Education Manager at Duke Farms, and a Project Coordinator for NJDEP’s Coastal Land Use Management team where he assisted in creating the state’s public access map. Jon also spends his time as the Volunteer Monitoring Manager for the Lower Raritan Watershed Partnership where he educates and trains citizen-scientists on water quality monitoring. Jon received his B.A. from Rutgers University.