Join VTC at the TRB Annual Meeting in Washington, DC! Don’t miss the opportunity to network with VTC staff, faculty, and students; learn about our research; and ask about what we will be working on next.

Join VTC at the TRB Annual Meeting in Washington, DC! Don’t miss the opportunity to network with VTC staff, faculty, and students; learn about our research; and ask about what we will be working on next.
In a recent blog, Hannah Younes and Robert B. Noland highlight New Jersey’s lack of easy public access to non-fatal traffic crash data.
More than 130,000 people die in road accidents in India every year — the highest in the world. Speeding, drunk driving and not using helmets and...
Violation Recidivism Study Jon Carnegie. 2009. A report prepared for the NJ Department of Transportation. Tech Brief Final Report
Effects of Plea Bargaining Jon Carnegie. 2009. A report prepared for the NJ Department of Transportation. Tech Brief Final Report
Driver's License Suspensions, Impacts and Fairness Study Jon Carnegie, 83 pages. A report prepared for the NJ Department of Transportation. August...
Trail networks enhance community well-being, providing accessible options for walking, biking, and rolling while promoting sustainability and economic vitality. In New Jersey, investing in trails and shared-use paths supports mobility, safety, and environmental goals,...
From labor-saving inspection drones to safety-enhancing techniques for bridge repair and preservation, a multipronged New Jersey Department of Transportation technology transfer initiative is helping to advance innovation throughout the agency and state. The goal:...
We contribute to the literature on new mobilities by measuring spatial disparities in travel times for accessing essential non-work destinations via ridehailing. We focused on healthcare, restaurants, and grocery destinations in Chicago. Data from Chicago ridehailing...
How and why do zero-car households seek car access? We used a national online survey of 830 American adults and interviews with twenty-nine low- and moderate-income travelers about their car access behaviors to answer this question. We validated our findings with the...