Discover how to bring health and equity to the forefront of urban planning and public policy decisions with this live, instructor-led online training on Health in All Policies (HiAP).
Free Workshops: Implementing Complete Streets at the Local Level
Trainings by the South Jersey Transportation Planning Organization (SJTPO), the Alan M. Voorhees Transportation Center at Rutgers University, Sustainable Jersey and Cross County Connection Transportation Management Association (CCCTMA).
The Road Well-Traveled: Lessons from a Retiring Transportation Leader
After 25 years of dedicated service, Jon Carnegie, Executive Director of the Alan M. Voorhees Transportation Center, is retiring. With extensive...
Leigh Ann Von Hagen Named VTC Executive Director
The Alan M. Voorhees Transportation Center (VTC) at Rutgers University proudly announces Leigh Ann Von Hagen as its new Executive Director.
VTC Seeks New Executive Director of the National Transit Institute
The Alan M. Voorhees Transportation Center at Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey seeks qualified candidates for the Executive Director of the National Transit Institute position.
VTC at TRB 2025!
Join VTC at the TRB Annual Meeting in Washington, DC! Don’t miss the opportunity to network with VTC staff, faculty, and students; learn about our research; and ask about what we will be working on next.
VTC-POET and Project Partners Win the APA-NJ 2024 Outstanding Community Engagement Award for the Springwood Avenue Heritage Walk Virtual Tour Project
Through this virtual tour, we celebrate the vibrant cultural legacy of Springwood Avenue in Asbury Park, highlighting its pivotal role in mid-20th-century African American life and culture. The project delves into themes of art, music, entrepreneurship, and advocacy, sharing insights from community members and featuring historical photos, maps, personal stories, and archives contributed by dedicated project partners. Together, we bring the rich history of Springwood Avenue to life.
VTC at ACSP2024
Look for VTC and others from the Bloustein School at the annual conference of the Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning (ACSP) in Seattle!
Best Practices for Improving Traffic Crash Data in New Jersey
In a recent blog, Hannah Younes and Robert B. Noland highlight New Jersey’s lack of easy public access to non-fatal traffic crash data.
NJTIP @ Rutgers Provides Mobility Orientation to IHC Grantees
NJTIP @ Rutgers received grant funding in 2024 to provide group travel instruction to a select number of current and past Inclusive Healthy Community (IHC) program grantees.
Recent Publications
Inroads to Innovation: New Jersey’s Technology Transfer Program
From labor-saving inspection drones to safety-enhancing techniques for bridge repair and preservation, a multipronged New Jersey Department of Transportation technology transfer initiative is helping to advance innovation throughout the agency and state. The goal:...
Disparities in ridehailing travel times for accessing non-work destinations
We contribute to the literature on new mobilities by measuring spatial disparities in travel times for accessing essential non-work destinations via ridehailing. We focused on healthcare, restaurants, and grocery destinations in Chicago. Data from Chicago ridehailing...
Invisible Rides: How Car-Less Americans Access Cars
How and why do zero-car households seek car access? We used a national online survey of 830 American adults and interviews with twenty-nine low- and moderate-income travelers about their car access behaviors to answer this question. We validated our findings with the...
Working From Home During COVID-19: Flash in the Pan or Wave of the Future?
We examine who can work from home during the pandemic and whether this behavior will persist post-pandemic by conducting two representative online surveys in New Jersey. Results suggest those with higher educational attainment, higher incomes, and prior experience...