Primary Investigator: Robert Noland
The COVID-19 pandemic has had major impacts on how people work, travel, and engage in commerce. This includes a move towards working at home, major reductions in public transit use, increased on-line shopping, and the closure of streets and parking in many town centers to facilitate outdoor dining and commerce. We are now collecting a second wave of data which can be compared with our first wave of data collected about one year ago. Our main objective in collecting an additional round of data is to track these changes over time with the aim to determine whether these changes persist. Of most interest for policymakers is the increase in working from home (how will this impact the real estate market?), reductions in public transit use (with implications for NJ TRANSIT revenue), and how to maintain the increased livelihood of town centers. The second survey also includes additional questions to analyze changes in walking and bicycling behavior. We aim to field a third survey in summer or fall 2022, with support from the Bicycle and Pedestrian Resource Center.