Greg Woltman, AICP, is a Research Project Coordinator at the Alan M. Voorhees Transportation Center. His work with the New Jersey Bicycle and Pedestrian Resource Center includes research focused on micromobility safety, pedestrian access for older adults, best practices in pedestrian scale lighting, and federal zero deaths initiatives and grant programs. As a staff researcher at the New Jersey Bicycle and Pedestrian Resource Center, Greg dedicated his efforts to researching and synthesizing information on different federal discretionary grants to identify optimal funding opportunities for State, MPO, county, and municipal governments to expand their active transportation networks and enhance safety for vulnerable road users.
Greg has provided Complete Streets technical assistance to multiple municipalities throughout New Jersey. This assistance has included developing bikeway plans, conducting walk audits, and facilitating community visioning at public outreach activities. Greg has also conducted research and provided technical assistance for metropolitan planning organizations and the state on best practices in pedestrian and bicyclist education and awareness campaigns for the public and law enforcement.
In his research, Greg has focused on identifying the political, bureaucratic, and technical barriers to the implementation of active transportation projects. His research has helped local communities more confidently focus their resources when applying for appropriate federal programs and projects that will help them reach their safety goals.