Room: 479
Email: sdipetrillo [at]
Phone: 848-932-2872

Stephanie DiPetrillo

Research Project Manager

Stephanie DiPetrillo brings a distinctive set of experiences to the center, including a background in historic preservation, architecture, urban design, and planning. While at VTC, her research has focused primarily on the interface between transportation and land use and has included projects examining the benefits and barriers to transit-oriented development, the costs of sprawl, and the transportation energy demands associated with different settlement patterns. She edits the NJ TRANSIT-sponsored Transit-Friendly Development Newsletter, directing the publication’s research, content, and website design. She has taught at Hofstra University, Rutgers University, and the New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT). Ms. DiPetrillo holds a B.A. degree in Economics and a Master of City and Regional Planning from Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, as well as a Master of Architecture from NJIT.