
Max Toth MCRP ’23 is recipient of SAE Metro Section Fellowship

Max Toth MCRP ’23 is recipient of SAE Metro Section Fellowship

MCRP candidate Max Toth (2023) was recently awarded the New York City Metropolitan Section of the Society of Automotive Engineers Section Fellowship. The award was established to provide financial assistance to students enrolled at the Bloustein School who have an interest in electric vehicle infrastructure issues. This is the first in a series of cash scholarship awards that the SAE Met Section has pledged to Rutgers honoring the Alan M. Voorhees Transportation Center over the next several years.

Exploring Stress Levels of E-Scooter Riders

Exploring Stress Levels of E-Scooter Riders

This New Jersey State Policy Lab blog, authored by several VTC staff, examined a recent real-world e-scooter user experiment with the purpose of better understanding the factors that lead to unsafe and unpleasant travel experiences for e-scooter users.

24th Annual NJDOT Research Showcase

24th Annual NJDOT Research Showcase

The Annual New Jersey Department of Transportation (NJDOT) Research Showcase is an opportunity for New Jersey’s transportation community to experience the broad scope of ongoing academic research initiatives and share technology transfer activities being conducted by institutions of higher education (IHE) partners and their associates.

2022 NJDOT Complete Streets Trainings

2022 NJDOT Complete Streets Trainings

A lot goes into planning for a balanced network of Complete Streets, but by defining a clear vision, understanding local context, and collaborating with community stakeholders, you can achieve a transportation system that safely serves people of all ages and abilities, no matter how they travel.

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