Robert B. Noland is a Professor at the Edward J. Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy and serves as the Director of the Alan M. Voorhees Transportation Center and Director of the PhD program in Planning and Public Policy. He received his PhD at the University of Pennsylvania in Energy Management and Environmental Policy. Prior to joining Rutgers University he was Reader in Transport and Environmental Policy at Imperial College London, a Policy Analyst at the US Environmental Protection Agency and also conducted post-doctoral research in the Economics Department at the University of California at Irvine. The focus of Dr. Noland’s research is the impacts of transportation planning and policy on both economic and environmental outcomes. Work on economic effects has included examining behavioral reactions to changes in reliability, associations with the built environment, and trip chaining behavior. Environmental work includes impacts on safety, climate, health, and other factors associated with overall quality of life. Active research areas include evaluation of traffic safety data and how safety modeling is used in economic assessment and planning of infrastructure; analysis of the costs and benefits of road diet conversions; analysis of walking behavior and links to other travel behavior and the built environment; analysis of pedestrian safety data quality; and, assessment of the economic effects of transport investments, in particular those associated with agglomeration externalities. Dr. Noland’s research has been cited throughout the world in debates over transport infrastructure planning and environmental assessment of new infrastructure. Dr. Noland is currently the Associate Editor of Transportation Research-D (Transport and Environment) and the International Journal of Sustainable Transportation and is Chair of the Transportation Research Board Special Task Force on Climate Change and Energy.

Room: 449
Email: rnoland [at]
Phone: 848-932-2859