The review commends the editors and chapter authors for emphasizing the importance of equity in bicycle planning and discusses the difficulties in implementing equity in transportation planning generally.

The review commends the editors and chapter authors for emphasizing the importance of equity in bicycle planning and discusses the difficulties in implementing equity in transportation planning generally.
With the conjecture that mobility is affected by both personal impairments and automobile access, this paper examined how difficulty walking, difficulty climbing stairs, and automobile ownership affect subjective wellbeing.
Using data from the 2009 National Household Travel Survey (NHTS), this paper examines the potential impacts of nationally standardizing school start time at 8:30 AM with a focus on household members who give children rides to/from school and their travel patterns before and after escorting children.
The study sets benchmarks for current population characteristics of the areas near commuter rail stations in New Jersey and compares changes of the characteristics between 1990 and 2013 by using the Geolytics Neighborhood Change Database.
Issues that relate to distracted driving and walking are discussed by presenting results from a survey of planning professionals, police officers, and pedestrians in New Jersey.
To bridge the existing information gap, this paper provides results from a recent survey that focused exclusively on adults with ASD in New Jersey to learn about their travel patterns, the importance of the various types of trips they make, and the barriers they encounter regarding the use of different transportation modes.
This study estimated the impact of spending by North Jersey Coast Line (NJCL) riders during summer weekends on the economies of the Jersey Shore communities known for beach-oriented recreational activities.
With the use of U.S. Consumer Expenditure Survey data, this study made an effort to bridge the gap in the existing knowledge base through an examination of the relationship between household expenditures on housing and overall transportation.
Explores and documents transportation needs and barriers of NJ adults on the Autism spectrum.
This paper identifies some of the characteristics of trips and pick-up and drop-off locations that are associated with paratransit’s travel time reliability.
We examine who can work from home during the pandemic and whether this behavior will persist post-pandemic by conducting two representative online surveys in New Jersey. Results suggest those with higher educational attainment, higher incomes, and prior experience...
Abstract In this study, we investigate the difference between shared electric bicycles (e-bikes) and conventional shared bikes operated by Citi Bike in New York City. We examine differences in usage by examining summary statistics and we develop conditional...
Abstract We analyze the effect of a bicycle lane on traffic speeds. Computer vision techniques are used to detect and classify the speed and trajectory of over 9,000 motor-vehicles at an intersection that was part of a pilot demonstration in which a bicycle lane was...
Abstract The used EV market is growing as more EVs penetrate the market. To examine who is purchasing used EVs and what concerns they may have, we deployed a survey focused on owners of used EVs. Data was collected online via posting the survey to used-EV-related...