
Using the table below, search and sort by our current and past projects.

ImageTitleYearStatusPI(s)Subject Area(s)Summaryhf:categorieshf:tax:principal
Crash database
Best Practices in Crash Data Availability across the United States2024In-Progress

While fatal crashes are available through the Fatality Analysis Reporting System (FARS) and are readily …

curved ramp bridge
Induced Demand Assessment Framework: A Guide2024In-Progress, ,

This project will help to address the need for information on induced demand by developing and piloting a guide that provides a framework for State DOTs to consider induced demand effects in various applications of transportation policy development, planning, and project development.

transportation-systems-planningkelcie-ralph robert-noland tom-rossi
Collaborative Research: Frameworks: MobilityNet: A Trustworthy CI Emulation Tool for Cross-Domain Mobility Data Generation and Sharing towards Multidisciplinary Innovations2024In-Progress, , ,

This is a multi-disciplinary effort to develop a database using a variety of mobility datasets. VTC’s role will be to assess the usability of this system, MobilityNet, as a useful tool for transportation planners.

transportation-systems-planningdeshang-zhang dimitris-n-metaxas jing-jin robert-noland
Calculator Beige
The New Jersey Induced Travel Calculator2024Complete, ,

The New Jersey Induced Travel Calculator was developed to allow users to estimate how much new traffic is generated when a new road or new lane is built.

finance-economics sustainability transportation-systems-planningrobert-noland
Pedestrian Crossing
What will it take to eliminate pedestrian fatalities in New Jersey?2023In-Progress, , ,

Over 200 pedestrians are killed in New Jersey every year and this continues to increase. This work will contribute to achieving a Vision Zero goal of no fatalities on our roads by 2035.

active equity healthy-safetyhannah-younes robert-noland
train in motion
Newark Light Rail Origin-Destination and Intermodal Choice Study2022In-Progress,

Specifically, we will seek to understand whether automobile drivers exiting from I-280 (at exit 13) can transfer to the NRL at the Orange Street NRL station (or other locations).

transit transportation-systems-planningrobert-noland
Traveling women wearing mask
Tracking Transportation Behavior Changes as the Pandemic Recedes2022In-Progress, ,

We are now collecting an additional round of data on the impact the COVID-19 pandemic has had on how people work, travel, and engage in commerce, to track these changes over time with the aim to determine whether these changes persist.

active transit transportation-systems-planningrobert-noland
NJ Zip Incentive Program
NJ ZIP Technical Assistance2022In-Progress, ,

The NJ ZIP pilot program is a first-come, first-serve voucher program designed to incentivize the adoption of zero-emission medium- and heavy-duty vehicles (ZE MHDVs) by New Jersey businesses and institutions, especially those operating within overburdened communities.

research trainingjon-carnegie miriam-salerno
NYMTC Community Planning Workshops
NYMTC Community Planning Workshops2022In-Progress,

The purpose of the workshops is to provide planning assistance to local municipalities and to develop recommendations for local improvements consistent with the goals of Moving Forward.

engagement trainingmiriam-salerno
New Jersey Transit commuter trains and platform at the Erie Lackawanna rail terminal in Hoboken New Jersey
Improving Food Access, Addressing the Needs of Sensitive Communities, and Improving Transit Facilities2022In-Progress,

Seeking to understand how investments in passenger facilities can improve food access and transportation services while addressing the needs of the unhoused population that rely on facilities for shelter.

equity transitmichael-smart
Para transit
Cumberland County Area Transportation Future of Mobility Study2022In-Progress, , ,

Exploring opportunities to expand service to rural areas of Cumberland County through program changes, implementation of micro-transit, or other means while staying with existing funding resources.

equity innovation transit transportation-systems-planningjon-carnegie
auto drive ignition
Empowering Local Programs to Enhance Transportation Access through Autonomous Mobility2022In-Progress, ,

This project is focused on familiarizing and building understanding among NJ county community transit providers for AV technology and documenting their concerns and suggestions.

equity innovation transitandrea-lubin
Together North Jersey
Together North Jersey2022In-Progress,

RU-VTC has continued to partner with NJTPA to promote implementation of the Together North Jersey plan with technical activities focused on topics related to economic competitiveness, livability, resiliency, and efficiency

land-usejon-carnegie miriam-salerno
Smiling African American guy sitting in public transportation an
Project SEARCH2022In-Progress

NJTIP @ Rutgers proposes that our staff work cooperatively with Union County Educational Services Commission staff during the upcoming school year.

Drawing of future of transportation
Innovations in Public Engagement2022In-Progress, ,

Rutgers-POET is continuing to work with North Jersey’s metropolitan planning organization to research, evaluate and deploy creative approaches to public involvement. Examples: Pop-up radio studio, Set the Table!, UpNext North Jersey.

engagement innovation researchmiriam-salerno
muffin on train platform
Walter Rand Food Access and Sensitive Communities2022In-Progress,

This project seeks to better understand how new transit facility investment can be better integrated with food access and address the needs of sensitive communities.

equity transitmichael-smart
TODs outdoor space
Transit Usage Impacts of NJ Transit-Oriented Developments (TODs)2022In-Progress, ,

To better understand the relationships between Transit Oriented Development (TOD) and the travel behaviors of those who live nearby, and TOD characteristics and its appeal to the customers of retail establishments located within.

transit land-usemichael-smart stephanie-dipetrillo
NJ Department of Transportation Local Highway Finance
NJ Department of Transportation Local Highway Finance2022In-Progress

The objectives of this project are to estimate local government revenue and expenditures, develop and pilot test a municipal survey, and complete Form FHWA 536.

Smart transportation and intelligent communication network of things, wireless connection technologies for courier service business .
Technology Transfer & Implementation Program, 2021-2026 – Year 22022In-Progress, , ,

This project aims to increase the level of awareness concerning transportation-related issues within NJ, promote an exchange of ideas, translate the latest trends and practices, showcase innovation, and promote research results.

innovation sustainability resilience transportation-systems-planningdavid-aimen
Somerset County Investment Framework 2022 Update2022In-Progress, ,

Rutgers-VTC is providing planning technical assistance to update the CIF by incorporating emerging planning considerations, refreshing data sets, and developing new approaches to identifying investment areas.

sustainability land-use resiliencedavid-aimen
Mobility Managment Program - TIP NORTH+
Mobility Managment Program – TIP NORTH+2022In-Progress,

NJTIP @ Rutgers provides travel training for people with disabilities and older adults focused on employment, vocational training, life enrichment or volunteer work.

equity transitkaren-alexander
TCRP F-29: Mental Health, Wellness, and Resilience for Transit System Workers
TCRP F-29: Mental Health, Wellness, and Resilience for Transit System Workers2022In-Progress, ,

Examining stressors for transit workers, identifying the psychological effects of COVID-19, demonstrating the effects to transit management, and engaging workers and management to develop measures that will have a long-lasting effect.

healthy-safety transitjon-carnegie sandy-brennan
TCRP J-11 Task 41: Pathways to Effective, Inclusive, and Equitable Virtual Public Engagement for Public Transportation
TCRP J-11 Task 41: Pathways to Effective, Inclusive, and Equitable Virtual Public Engagement for Public Transportation2022In-Progress, ,

Address significant gaps in public engagement guidance currently available to transit agencies seeking to use virtual tools and techniques to facilitate communication with the community, potential passengers, and current riders.

equity innovation transitkaren-alexander
Morris County Coordinated Human Services Transportation Plan (CHSTP)
Morris County Coordinated Human Services Transportation Plan (CHSTP)2021Complete, ,

The updated Morris County Coordinated Human Services Transportation Plan (CHSTP) provides an integrated and collaborative framework for providing human services transportation in Morris County, New Jersey.

equity transitandrea-lubin stephanie-dipetrillo
Customer service evaluation concept. Businessman pressing face smile emoticon show on virtual screen. Survey, poll or questionnaire for user experience or customer satisfaction
Virtual Public Involvement: A Manual for Effective, Equitable, and Efficient Practices for Transportation Agencies2021In-Progress, ,

The research approach blends desktop research with quantitative and qualitative research tasks, including surveys, interviews, and focus groups designed to identify best practices for VPI in varied planning and project development contexts.

engagement researchandrea-lubin miriam-salerno New Jersey's Transit Friendly Planning Newsletter New Jersey’s Transit Friendly Planning Newsletter2021In-Progress, keeps municipal officials, planners and advocates up-to-date on the potential for intensive development and redevelopment around transit facilities.

transit land-usestephanie-dipetrillo
crosswalk and bike
Healthy, Just, Resilient and Carbon-Neutral Mobility Study2021In-Progress, , , , , , , ,

This project is studying how a comprehensive, multi-goal transportation planning and policy framework can be used to achieve carbon-neutral transportation that provides healthy, just, efficient, and resilient mobility for all NJ residents.

active equity healthy-safety innovation transit sustainability land-use resilience transportation-systems-planningjon-carnegie
People in crosswalk
SCC-IRG Track 2: Making Micro-mobility Smarter and Safer (M2S2)2020In-Progress, , , , , ,

The objective of this project is to use methods, create tools, and test the tools in the service of the needs of real communities in order to explicitly integrate both the social and technology solutions to improve safety.

active healthy-safety sustainabilityclinton-j-andrews deshang-zhang dimitris-n-metaxas jie-gong robert-noland
In Pursuit of Seamless Borders: Exploring Microtransit Pilot Viability2020In-Progress, , ,

Exploring opportunities for utilizing microtransit as a cost-effective means to meet demand for inter-county trips among NJ’s county transit customers.

equity innovation transitandrea-lubin stephanie-dipetrillo
hurricane satellite image
New Jersey Department of Transportation Climate Hazard Visualization Tool2020In-Progress, ,

The objectives of this research are to map current and future flood risk, create a web-based flood risk visualization tool and make recommendations for how NJDOT personnel can apply the flood risk visualization tool in their work.

innovation sustainability resiliencejon-carnegie
One-on-One Travel Instruction
One-on-One Travel Instruction2019In-Progress,

Participants work with a travel instructor who teaches safe travel skills using remote and virtual instruction, then by riding on the bus or train with the customer individually until they can travel confidently and independently.

equity transitkaren-alexander
Bus passengers
Local Bus Markets Survey – Phase 32019In-Progress, ,

This research project seeks to update survey data for 38 NJ TRANSIT bus routes in the Newark market.

transit transportation-systems-planningdevajyoti-deka jon-carnegie
NJTIP Travel Training
NJTIP Travel Training2018In-Progress,

This 3- day program introduces participants to accessible fixed route transportation and other mobility options, in New Jersey.

equity transitkaren-alexander
Destination 2040 Middlesex County
Middlesex County Destination 2040 Strategic Plan2018In-Progress, , , , , ,

The Destination 2040 planning process is designed to create a future-oriented master plan that is adaptive to changing circumstances and new opportunities.

active equity healthy-safety transit sustainability land-usejon-carnegie miriam-salerno
New Jersey Transit Friendly Data Application2015In-Progress, , ,

A GIS-based land use and transit planning web-application that allows users to map, report, and export data for their needs.

innovation transit land-use transportation-systems-planningjon-carnegie