Publications & Reports

Public Views on the Reallocation of Street Space Due to COVID-19

Many towns and cities have reallocated street space in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Perceptions of the Safety Impact of Autonomous Vehicles on vulnerable users

For autonomous vehicles to receive acceptance, society must have a positive perception about their safety.

Current and Future Training Needs of the Public Transportation Industry

Assessing the public transportation industry’s training practices, interests, priorities,and  training needs.

Publications & Reports Database

We make our publications and reports available to the public. Use the drop-down menus in the table below to find all publications by topic or specific researcher. Use specific keywords in the Search field to search for title, summary, and other fields displayed below. Use the up or down arrows to sort each column.

TitleYearSubject Area(s)Author(s)Summaryhf:categorieshf:tax:authors
Funding Opportunities and Programmatic Insights for Advancing Shared Use Paths, Trails, and Greenways in New Jersey2025, , , ,

This research examines trail funding and development in New Jersey, highlighting funding opportunities, challenges, and best practices to accelerate shared use path implementation.

healthy-safety policy reports sustainabilityleigh-ann-von-hagen rebecca-levitsky
Inroads to Innovation: New Jersey’s Technology Transfer Program2024, , , , ,

A look at the work of New Jersey’s Technology Transfer Program.

innovation sustainability resilience transportation-systems-planningcatherine-bull david-aimen stephanie-dipetrillo
Disparities in ridehailing travel times for accessing non-work destinations2024, , , , ,

We contribute to the literature on new mobilities by measuring spatial disparities in travel times for accessing essential non-work destinations via ridehailing.

equity planning policy researchrobert-b-noland sicheng-wang xiao-huang
Invisible Rides: How Car-Less Americans Access Cars2024, , , , , ,

How and why do zero-car households seek car access? We used a national online survey of 830 American adults and interviews with twenty-nine low- and moderate-income travelers about their car access behaviors to answer this question.

equity news policy researchamanda-howell anne-brown michael-j-smart nicholas-j-klein
Working From Home During COVID-19: Flash in the Pan or Wave of the Future?2024, , , ,

We examine who can work from home during the pandemic and whether this behavior will persist post-pandemic by conducting two representative online surveys in New Jersey.

covid researchevan-iacobucci hannah-younes robert-b-noland wenwen-zhang
Powering bikeshare in New York City: does the usage of e-bikes differ from regular bikes?2024, , ,

Study investigates the difference between shared electric bicycles (e-bikes) and conventional shared bikes operated by Citi Bike in New York City.

planning researchmichael-j-smart robert-b-noland yingning-xie
The Traffic Calming Effect of Delineated Bicycle Lanes2024, , , , , , , , , ,

A team of Rutgers researchers led by VTC’s Hannah Younes analyzed the effect of a bicycle lane on traffic speeds using computer vision techniques.

healthy-safety planning researchclinton-andrews dimitri-metaxas hannah-younes jiahao-xia jie-gong leigh-ann-von-hagen robert-b-noland song-wen wenwen-zhang
Concerns expressed by used electric vehicle owners based on surveying social media2024, , ,

Researchers Wei San Loh and Robert Noland used data collected online to understand the used electric vehicle (EV) market.

equity research sustainabilityrobert-b-noland wei-sen-loh
Morris Moves: Morris County Coordinated Human Services Transportation Plan2023, , ,

The updated Morris County Coordinated Human Services Transportation Plan (CHSTP) provides an integrated and collaborative framework for providing human services transportation in Morris County, New Jersey.

equity news reportsandrea-lubin stephanie-dipetrillo
Working from Home and Walking during and after COVID2023, , , ,

The researchers investigated the relationship between people who worked from home during the pandemic and how often they walked before, during, and after COVID.

covid researchhannah-younes james-sinclair leigh-ann-von-hagen robert-b-noland
Section 5310 Microtransit Planning Study: Phase I & II Final Report2023,

This planning study sought to investigate the feasibility of microtransit as a cost-effective means to meet demand for more seamless, inter-county trips among New Jersey’s county community transit customers. For the purposes of this study, the definition used for microtransit has been small scale, on‐demand, dynamic-route, shared transit services such as shared ride taxis and other non-fixed route operations.

andrea-lubin stephanie-dipetrillo
Gender split and safety behavior of cyclists and e-scooter users in Asbury Park, NJ2023, , , ,

In this study, researchers Hannah Younes, Robert B. Noland, and Clinton J. Andrews used traffic camera footage to observe the behavior of over 700 shared e-scooters and privately owned bicycles in Asbury Park, New Jersey. The authors discuss policy implications with regard to safety and gender differences between the two modes of transit.

equity healthy-safety researchclinton-andrews hannah-younes robert-b-noland
What do People Want to do Instead of Commuting to Work?2023, , ,

The researchers fielded two surveys in New Jersey during the pandemic and included questions on what respondents did with time saved from not commuting as well as which activities they wished to see continue after the pandemic subsided.

covid researchhannah-younes robert-b-noland wenwen-zhang
The End of Speed Traps and Ticket Quotas: Re-framing and Reforming Traffic Cameras to Increase Support2022,

This survey of the U.S. public shows concerns about revenue are associated with greater opposition to cameras and greater distrust of the government.

research transportation-systems-planningkelcie-ralph
Understanding preferences for bicycling and bicycle infrastructure2022, , ,

Using survey data collected in New Jersey, we analyze the frequency of bicycling and respondent perceptions of the safety of various bicycling facilities.

transit researchmaria-luz-laham robert-b-noland sicheng-wang
Exploring Stress Levels of E-Scooter Riders2022, , , , , , , ,

The results of this pilot data collection effort provide insights on the potential use of the latest sensor technology and computer vision algorithms to understand travel behavior for new and emerging transportation modes.

active equity healthy-safety innovation reportsclinton-andrews hannah-younes leigh-ann-von-hagen robert-b-noland wenwen-zhang
Public Views on the Reallocation of Street Space Due to COVID-192022, , , , ,

We suggest that the current groundswell of support for street changes represents a rare opportunity to implement street design changes that support pedestrians and outdoor activities.

covid innovation planning land-useevan-iacobucci robert-b-noland wenwen-zhang
Browsing for food: Will COVID-induced on-line grocery delivery persist?2022, , ,

We analyze factors associated with the decision to grocery shop online and whether this will persist post-COVID using data collected via a representative online panel.

covid healthy-safetyhannah-younes robert-b-noland wenwen-zhang
Trip deprivation among older adults in the context of the capability approach2022

Trip deprivation can legitimately reflect both functioning and capability when deprivation is carefully defined.

Self-perception and General Perception of the Safety Impact of Autonomous Vehicles on Pedestrians, Bicyclists, and People with Ambulatory Disability2021, ,

Using data from a statewide random-digit-dialing telephone survey of 1,001 adults, this paper examines how New Jersey residents perceive the safety impact of AVs on pedestrians, bicyclists, and people with ambulatory disability.

active healthy-safety innovationdevajyoti-deka
Environmental Justice, Transport Justice, and Mobility Justice2021, ,

This article explores three concepts of justice in transportation: environmental justice (EJ), transport justice (TJ), and mobility justice (MJ).

equity research sustainabilitydevajyoti-deka
Staying at Home Is a Privilege: Evidence from Fine-Grained Mobile Phone Location Data in the United States during the COVID-19 Pandemic2021, , , , , ,

The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) has exposed and, to some degree, exacerbated social inequity in the United States.

covid finance-economicshanxue-wei junyu-lu sicheng-wang song-gao xiao-huang zhewei-liu
Identifying Current and Future Training Needs of the Public Transportation Industry2021, , , , ,

This report identifies the training needs of the public transportation industry.

engagement news transit trainingandrea-lubin robert-b-noland stephanie-dipetrillo
Understanding How Changes in Mobility Affect the Spread of Coronavirus2021, ,

In an effort to understand how changes in mobility are associated with the spread of the coronavirus, mobility data from Google correlated with estimates of the effective reproduction rate, a measure of viral infectiousness.

covid news researchrobert-b-noland
Bikeshare Usage Change in New York City Due to COVID-19 Pandemic2021, , ,

Bikeshare use in New York City dropped substantially during the initial months of the COVID-19 pandemic, but by summer of 2020 had largely recovered to pre-pandemic levels. The patterns of usage, however, have changed.

active covid newshaoyun-wang robert-b-noland
Research: Variation in ride-hailing trips in Chengdu, China2021, , , ,

A new paper looks at the elasticities of demand for ride-hailing service provider DiDi in Chengdu, China.

finance-economics news land-use transportation-systems-planningrobert-b-noland sicheng-wang
Predicting transit mode choice of New Jersey workers commuting to New York City from a stated preference survey2021, , ,

This study examines transit mode choice preferences of New Jersey commuters traveling to New York City with the objective of assisting trans-Hudson ferry service planning on the basis of variables significantly affecting mode choice.

active transit transportation-systems-planningdevajyoti-deka jon-carnegie
The Effect of Pre-Post Differences in Walking, Health and Weight on Retirees’ Long-Term Quality of Life2020

This research examined the effect of pre-post differences in walking duration, health, and weight on retirees’ long-term quality of life (QoL).

Does the pathway to transportation walking for older adults run through recreational walking?2020,

Although a number of recent studies have addressed walking by older adults, many have aggregated recreational and transportation walking into overall physical activity, whereas many others have exclusively focused on recreational walking.

healthy-safetycharles-brown devajyoti-deka
Practices for Online Public Involvement2019, ,

Current state of practice for online public involvement tools used by state Depts. of Transportation and additional areas of research needed based on information gathered from a literature review and survey of state DOTs.

innovationmiriam-salerno sarah-tomasello trish-sanchez
Trip patterns and revenue of shared e-scooters in Louisville, Kentucky2019, ,

Data on shared e-scooters in Louisville, Kentucky are analyzed.

active innovation newsrobert-b-noland
A comparison of the personal and neighborhood characteristics associated with ridesourcing, transit use and driving with NHTS2019, ,

The opportunity to conduct an overarching national study to examine the characteristics of ridesourcing users and their neighborhoods was absent until the 2017 National Household Travel Survey (NHTS) dataset was released in 2018.

active transportation-systems-planningda-fei devajyoti-deka
Disentangling the role of cars and transit in employment and labor earnings2018, , ,

In this article, Professor Smart and Nicholas Klein (Bloustein PhD, 2014) find that having a car helps Americans find jobs, keep those jobs over time, and move up the economic ladder.

active equity finance-economicsmichael-j-smart nicholas-j-klein
Are millennials moving to more urbanized and transit-oriented counties?2018,

Recent studies show that two distinct narratives have emerged about the millennials’ behavior, attitudes, and preferences regarding their choice of residence and transportation.

finance-economics land-usedevajyoti-deka
Exploration of the effect of violent crime on recreational and transportation walking by path and structural equation models2018, ,

To examine how violent crime affects people’s recreational and transportation walking duration in daytime and after dark on a typical day.

healthy-safetycharles-brown devajyoti-deka james-sinclair
Exploration of millennials’ perception of spending on cities, mass transit, and highways2018,

This study compares the perception of millennials with the perception of older generations regarding public spending on cities, mass transit, and highways in the US national context.

finance-economics transitdevajyoti-deka
Bicycle Justice and Urban Transformation: Biking for All?2018

The review commends the editors and chapter authors for emphasizing the importance of equity in bicycle planning and discusses the difficulties in implementing equity in transportation planning generally.

Remembrance of Cars and Buses Past2017, ,

This research suggests a long-term benefit for encouraging transit at younger ages to foster a “transit habit.”

transit transportation-systems-planningmichael-j-smart nicholas-j-klein
Has the Great Recession and its Aftermath Reduced Traffic Fatalities?2017, ,

An analysis of state-level data from 1984 to 2014 provides evidence on the relationship between economic recessions and US traffic fatalities.

healthy-safety planningrobert-b-noland yuhan-zhou
A rejoinder to the critique of “Costs and Benefits of a Road Diet Conversion”2017, , ,

A response to the six points made by Le Vine and conclude with a brief critique of existing practice.

planning policy research land-userobert-b-noland
Achieving Mobility Access for Older Adults Through Group Travel Instruction2017, , ,

For many older adults accessible public transportation can be a viable transport option provided they are aware of and familiar with available transit services, trip planning, and how to safely and independently utilize transit systems. Findings are presented from a group travel instruction program piloted with older adults in New Jersey that encompassed classroom training and a field trip.

active equity transitandrea-lubin karen-alexander
Delays, Detours, and Diversions: Paths to Fully Executed Safe Routes to School Projects2017, , , , ,

The research presented in this paper identified promising practices used by those entities that had completed their projects (and had successfully achieved their goals) despite difficulties along the way.

active engagement equity healthy-safetyleigh-ann-von-hagen sean-meehan stephanie-dipetrillo
An Evaluation of Transit Procurement Training2017, , , ,

We evaluated a training course called “Orientation to Transit Procurement”, designed and conducted by the National Transit Institute.

transit trainingmarc-d-weiner nicholas-j-klein orin-d-puniello robert-b-noland
Attitudes towards transit-oriented development: Resident experiences and professional2017, , , , , , ,

The question addressed here is how, if at all, TOD and TOD-proximate residents’ perceptions of the benefits and shortcomings of TOD are perceived and addressed by professionals involved with TOD planning and development.

planning policy transit research land-useandrew-i-kay marc-d-weiner robert-b-noland stephanie-dipetrillo
The effect of mobility loss and car ownership on the feeling of depression, happiness, and loneliness2017, ,

With the conjecture that mobility is affected by both personal impairments and automobile access, this paper examined how difficulty walking, difficulty climbing stairs, and automobile ownership affect subjective wellbeing.

active equity healthy-safetydevajyoti-deka
Impacts of standardizing school start time on children and household workers – An examination with NHTS data2017, ,

Using data from the 2009 National Household Travel Survey (NHTS), this paper examines the potential impacts of nationally standardizing school start time at 8:30 AM with a focus on household members who give children rides to/from school and their travel patterns before and after escorting children.

active policy researchdevajyoti-deka
Benchmarking Gentrification near Commuter Rail Stations in New Jersey2016, , , , ,

The study sets benchmarks for current population characteristics of the areas near commuter rail stations in New Jersey and compares changes of the characteristics between 1990 and 2013 by using the Geolytics Neighborhood Change Database.

active equity policy transit research land-usedevajyoti-deka
What do Planning Professionals, Police and Pedestrians in General Think about Distracted Driving and Walking?2016, ,

Issues that relate to distracted driving and walking are discussed by presenting results from a survey of planning professionals, police officers, and pedestrians in New Jersey.

active planningcharles-brown devajyoti-deka
Improving Pathways to Transit for Persons with Disabilities2016, , , , , , , ,

This research study explores, through case study work, efforts that have been effective in improving pathways to transit for persons with disabilities.

equity policy transitanastasia-loukaitou-sideris andrea-lubin carla-salehian kristine-williams stephanie-dipetrillo stephen-gibson theodore-trent-green
Travel Patterns, Needs, and Barriers of Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder: Report from a Survey2016, ,

To bridge the existing information gap, this paper provides results from a recent survey that focused exclusively on adults with ASD in New Jersey to learn about their travel patterns, the importance of the various types of trips they make, and the barriers they encounter regarding the use of different transportation modes.

active researchandrea-lubin devajyoti-deka
Transportation Issues of Adults on the Autism Spectrum: Findings from Focus Group Discussions2016, , ,

This paper presents the findings from a series of focus groups conducted in New Jersey with adults with ASD and their parents or guardians.

active equity transit researchandrea-lubin
Economic Impacts of Rail Transit on Recreational Shore Communities – The Case of the North Jersey Coast Line2015, , , , ,

This study estimated the impact of spending by North Jersey Coast Line (NJCL) riders during summer weekends on the economies of the Jersey Shore communities known for beach-oriented recreational activities.

active finance-economics transitdevajyoti-deka maia-de-la-calle michael-lahr thomas-marchwinski
Relationship Between Households’ Housing and Transportation Expenditures Examination from Lifestyle Perspective2015,

With the use of U.S. Consumer Expenditure Survey data, this study made an effort to bridge the gap in the existing knowledge base through an examination of the relationship between household expenditures on housing and overall transportation.

finance-economics researchdevajyoti-deka
Detour to the Right Place: A Study with Recommendations for Addressing the Transportation Needs and Barriers of Adults on the Autism Spectrum in New Jersey2015, , ,

Explores and documents transportation needs and barriers of NJ adults on the Autism spectrum.

newsandrea-lubin cecilia-feeley devajyoti-deka melanie-mcgackin
A Longitudinal Analysis of Cars, Transit, and Employment Outcomes2015, , ,

This report improves on existing data by analyzing groups that have variable access to automobiles – poor families, immigrants, and people of color.

news transit reportsmichael-j-smart nicholas-j-klein
Factors Associated with Disability Paratransit’s Travel Time Reliability2015, ,

This paper identifies some of the characteristics of trips and pick-up and drop-off locations that are associated with paratransit’s travel time reliability.

equity planning researchdevajyoti-deka
The Social Context of Travel2015, , , , ,

The authors examine how the social context of a neighborhood can influence activity and travel patterns of those living in “neighborhoods of affinity,” where members of a group with strong social ties live and work.

active news transit research land-usemichael-j-smart nicholas-j-klein
The Evolution of School Siting and its Implications for Active Transportation in New Jersey2015, , ,

The study examines historical changes in the size and location of schools in New Jersey and their relevance to children walking and bicycling to school.

active planning land-usedevajyoti-deka leigh-ann-von-hagen
Measuring Benefits of Transit Oriented Development2015, , , ,

This study provides an overview of the beneficial impacts of transit-oriented development – compact, mixed-use pedestrian land uses within walking distance of transit stations.

reports land-usekaan-ozbay robert-b-noland shri-iyer stephanie-dipetrillo
Transit-oriented development and the frequency of modal use2015, , ,

The analysis presented here examines the frequency of using these modes of travel for those living in TODs and proximate to a train station versus those living more distantly.

active transit land-userobert-b-noland stephanie-dipetrillo
NJ SRTS Program Update Report (June 2014)2015,

The New Jersey Safe Routes to School Program: A Review of Three Years of Services, Training, Research, Outreach and Technical Assistance

active reportssrts
Bicycling to Rail Stations in NJ: 2013 Benchmarking Report2015, , , , ,

An effort to benchmark the current state of travel by a unique set of travelers, transit riders who travel to stations by bicycle.

activeandrew-kay betsey-harvey bprc charles-brown devajyoti-deka stephanie-dipetrillo
Gay Men Travel Shorter Distances than the Average Person2015, ,

Gay men living in gay neighborhoods travel much shorter distances on average than their straight next-door neighbors do.

equity newsmichael-j-smart nicholas-j-klein
Costs and Benefits of a Road Diet for Livingston Avenue in New Brunswick, NJ2015, , , , ,

The analysis presented here is of a candidate road diet conversion site, Livingston Avenue in New Brunswick, New Jersey, an oversized arterial corridor accessing the center of the city.

healthy-safety newscharles-brown dong-gao eric-j-gonzales glenn-patterson robert-b-noland
NJ Crossing Guard Training Program Summary Report2015

Research on crossing guard training in New Jersey and developing a uniform statewide Crossing Guard Training Program.

Is it Safe to Walk to School?2015, , ,

This research study reviews literature on risk perception and data from surveys that were distributed to parents throughout six public school in New Jersey.

activecatherine-bull leigh-ann-von-hagen shannon-sweeney srts
NJ Safe Routes Strategic Plans2015

New Jersey launched a new strategic planning process in late 2011 to revisit and revise the SRTS Program’s mission, vision, goals, and objectives and, where necessary, align SRTS with the measures to gauge program performance.

Flexible Design Of New Jersey’s Main Streets2015,

This 2002 report provides an investigation of possible changes in design standards for highways passing through New Jersey communities.

active transportation-systems-planningvtc
A Mode Choice Analysis of School Trips in New Jersey2014, ,

This paper examines the mode choice behavior of children’s travel to school based on surveys conducted at a sample of schools in New Jersey.

active researchleigh-ann-von-hagen robert-b-noland
Generators of Paratransit Trips by Persons with Disabilities2014

This study attempts to identify the generators of paratransit trips beginning and ending at clients’ homes and away from home.

Residential Property Valuations near Transit Stations with Transit-Oriented Development2014, , , ,

The analysis presented here evaluates the median property valuations surrounding eight transit stations with TOD using residential property valuation data provided by Zillow™, an on-line real estate listing firm.

active planning transit land-userobert-b-noland stephanie-dipetrillo
The Role of Household Members in Transporting Adults with Disabilities in the United States2014,

This study examines the role of household members in transporting persons with disabilities in contemporary America.

active equity
The Living, Moving and Travel Behaviour of the Growing American Solo: Implications for Cities2014,

This study identifies the distinctive dwelling, moving and travel characteristics of the American solo households, and examines the reasons for their attraction to cities.

research land-usedevajyoti-deka
An Exploration of the Environmental and Rider Characteristics Associated with Disability Paratransit Trip Delay2014, , ,

This study examines how performance measures are associated with local environmental characteristics such as density and the characteristics of the trip makers.

active equity transit researchdevajyoti-deka
NJ Bicycle & Pedestrian Resource Center Bicycling Benchmarking Report2014

The report provides a comprehensive summary of the bicycle environment at the municipal level throughout the state, using extensive data from 60 municipalities as a baseline.

The Revenue and Environmental Benefits of New Off-Peak Commuter Rail Service – The Case of the Pascack Valley Line in New Jersey2014, , , ,

This study provides important evidence about the benefits of off-peak commuter rail service by focusing on the Pascack Valley line in New Jersey, where off-peak service was introduced in October 2007.

finance-economics news transit sustainabilitydevajyoti-deka thomas-marchwinski
NJ SRTS Update Report (December 2013)2013

Review of the New Jersey Safe Routes to School Program: Services, Training, Coordination, Research and Technical Assistance Update Report

The Severity of Pedestrian Crashes: An Analysis Using Google Street View Imagery2013, , ,

Data derived from visual inspection of Google Street View imagery associated with a variety of pedestrian and road infrastructure features are analyzed with a database of pedestrian casualties.

active healthy-safetycharles-brown christopher-s-hanson robert-b-noland
Do Lower Income Areas Have More Pedestrian Casualities?2013, , , , , , ,

Pedestrian and motor vehicle casualties are analyzed for the State of New Jersey with the objective of determining how the income of an area may be associated with casualties.

active equity finance-economics planning policy researchnicholas-j-klein nicholas-k-tulach robert-b-noland
The Economic Impacts of Active Transportation in NJ (2013)2013, ,

The primary objective of this study was to estimate the statewide economic impacts of active transportation in New Jersey in one year.

active finance-economicscharles-brown jonathan-hawkins
Active School Trips: Associations with Caregiver Walking Frequency2013,

This paper examines whether there is a relationship between walking or bicycling to school and the walking habits of caregivers or parents.

active researchrobert-b-noland
Factors Associated with the Enactment of Safety Belt and Motorcycle Helmet Laws2013, ,

This study attempts to identify the factors that influence the decision to enact safety belt and motorcycle helmet laws.

healthy-safety policy researchrobert-b-noland
From Theory to Practice in Road Safety Policy: Understanding Risk versus Mobility2013, ,

This paper reviews theoretical issues surrounding transport safety modeling and the implications for road safety policy.

healthy-safety policy researchrobert-b-noland
An Explanation of the Relationship between Adults’ Work Trip Mode and Children’s School Trip Mode through the Heckman Approach2013, ,

This study makes an additional assumption that children’s mode to school and household adults’ travel mode to work are interrelated because of a lifestyle choice made by parents and caregivers.

active transit researchdevajyoti-deka
New Jersey Complete Streets Policy Compilation (2013)2013

The NJ Bicycle and Pedestrian Resource Center has compiled all State, County and Municipal policies into one comprehensive document as a resource for other county and municipal officials.

NJ Safe Routes to School Project Update – May 20132013

Broadening the New Jersey Safe Routes to School Program: Services, Training, Coordination and Technical Assistance Update Report.

Communicating the Urgency for Action on Climate Change: Challenges and Approaches2013, , ,

Explored are such topics as driving distance of electric vehicles, emission reduction technologies for large fleets, carbon footprints for public transportation agencies, and proposed vehicle fuel economy standards in the United States for 2017 to 2025.

active policy research sustainabilityrobert-b-noland
Teaching Children about Bicycle Safety: An Evaluation of the New Jersey Bike School Program2013, , , ,

An opportunistic study was designed to evaluate the effectiveness of two bicycle education programs, the first a more-structured program delivered in a school setting, with no on-road component, and the other a less structured program delivered in a summer camp setting that included an on-road component.

active engagement research trainingleigh-ann-von-hagen robert-b-noland
Practical Approaches for Involving Traditionally Underserved Populations in Transportation Decision Making2013, ,

A toolkit of practical approaches for agencies and practitioners of effective practices, tools, techniques, and data sources are presented. to foster the meaningful involvement of traditionally underserved populations in transportation decision making. 

active engagement equitydavid-aimen
How Do People Value Different Types of Pedestrians and Bicycle Infrastructure? (2013)2013, ,

A survey of New Jersey residents specifically focused on people’s valuation of different types of bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure and the reasons for their valuation in two large regions of the state.

active transportation-systems-planningcharles-brown devajyoti-deka
How Does Induced Travel Affect Sustainable Transportation Policy?2013, , ,

This chapter examines the theory and available evidence on induced travel effects and links this knowledge to policy considerations for achieving sustainable solutions, including the impact on oil dependence.

policy research sustainabilitychristopher-s-hanson robert-b-noland
Role of Public Transportation as Job Access Mode: Lessons from a Survey of Persons with Disabilities in New Jersey2012,

The primary objective of this paper is to share valuable information from a unique survey of people with disabilities who were actively searching for employment in New Jersey.

equityandrea-lubin devajyoti-deka
Forecasting Shelter Accessibility and Vehicle Availability for Hurricane Evacuation in Northern New Jersey Using Sample Enumeration2012, , ,

This study developed and used a methodology to forecast mode-specific and destination-specific evacuees and measure the accessibility of evacuees to shelters and evacuation vehicles at the level of census tracts for a seven-county region.

research sustainability resiliencedevajyoti-deka jon-carnegie
City Cycling2012,

City Cycling offers a guide to this urban cycling renaissance, with the goal of promoting cycling as sustainable urban transportation available to everyone.

active sustainabilityjohn-pucher
Persons with Disabilities Seeking Employment & Public Transportation: Findings of a New Jersey Survey2012, ,

This brief discusses how transportation is a prominent factor in the job search process and presents an overview of survey findings as they relate to public transit availability, usage, importance, and satisfaction among the approximately 500 survey respondents.

engagement equity researchandrea-lubin
The Impacts of Non-Residential Parking Restrictions at Commuter Rail Stations2012,

This paper examines the impacts of non-resident parking restrictions on rail usage. It uses data from a large survey of commuter rail passengers, a detailed parking inventory of station parking lots, and data from the American Community Survey.

transit land-usedevajyoti-deka
Methodology for Determining the Economic Development Impacts of Transit Projects2012, , , ,

TRB’s Transit Cooperative Research Program (TCRP) Web-Only Document 56: Methodology for Determining the Economic Development Impacts of Transit Projects explores development of a method for transit agencies to assess whether and under what circumstances transit investments have economic benefits that are in addition to land development stimulated by travel time savings.

active finance-economics transit land-usenicholas-k-tulach robert-b-noland
An Assessment of “Last Mile” Shuttles in New Jersey2012, ,

The primary objective of this research was to assess the “Last Mile” shuttles in New Jersey.

active land-usedevajyoti-deka stephanie-dipetrillo
Exploration of Poverty, Employment, Earnings, Job Search, and Commuting Behavior of Persons with Disabilities and African Americans in New Jersey2012, , ,

Taking New Jersey as the study area, the study examined how disability and race are related to employment, poverty, and earnings and how the commuting and job-search behavior of persons with disabilities is affected by their race.

equity policy researchandrea-lubin devajyoti-deka
Practical Approaches for Involving Traditionally Underserved Populations in Transportation Decisionmaking2012, ,

This report provides state DOTs, MPOs, and other transportation agencies with a rich source of practical and effective tools, techniques, and approaches for identifying and connecting with underserved and underrepresented populations in transportation decisionmaking.

engagement equity policydavid-aimen
Pedestrian Safety at Bus Stops (2012)2012

Report identified high pedestrian crash locations at or near bus stops in New Jersey.

Are phone samples needed for walking activity studies? (2012)2012, , ,

The widespread introduction of and growing reliance on cell phones poses a new challenge to random digit dial (RDD) surveys, which are used for many transportation studies.

engagement researchmarc-d-weiner robert-b-noland ugo-lachapelle
Residential Property Values and New Jersey Transit Village Program2012, , , , ,

Econometric analysis of the change in average residential sales price over 9 years finds an association but cannot establish a causal effect.

active finance-economics policy transit land-userobert-b-noland stephanie-dipetrillo
Panel Data Analysis to Identify the Covariates of Community Shuttle’s Longevity and Patronage in New Jersey2011, , , ,

This study examined the longevity, level of service, and passenger volumes of the shuttle services introduced in New Jersey between 2002 and 2004.

finance-economics planning policy researchdevajyoti-deka jon-carnegie
Does Proximity to Activity-Inducing Facilities Explain Lower Participation in Physical Activity by Low-Income and Minority Populations?2011, ,

This study examined whether a lower level of geographic proximity to activity-inducing infrastructure and facilities, including bicycling routes and gymnasiums, could be a reason for lower rates of participation in physical activity for New Jersey minority populations.

active healthy-safety transitdevajyoti-deka
In-School Bicycle Education: Wayside Elementary Case Study2011, ,

A case study of the success of Wayside bicycle education program.

active healthy-safety researchleigh-ann-von-hagen
Commuting by Public Transit and Physical Activity: Where You Live, Where You Work, and How You Get There2011, ,

We analyzed the relationship between transit commuting and objectively measured physical activity.

active healthy-safety transit
What Does it Take for Shuttles to Succeed? Comparison of Stated Preference and Reality of Shuttle’s Success in New Jersey?2010, , , ,

This study uses data from the onboard survey to identify the rider characteristics and spatial characteristics of communities that influence stated preferences for shuttle service to rail stations.

planning policy research transportation-systems-planningdevajyoti-deka jon-carnegie
Walking and Cycling for Healthy Cities2010,

This paper provides a broad overview of the role walking and cycling can play in making our cities healthier.

active healthy-safetyjohn-pucher
Cycling to Sustainability in Amsterdam2010,

This article examines how Amsterdam has consistently improved cycling conditions over many decades and succeeded at raising even further the share of trips by bike.

active sustainabilityjohn-pucher
Cycling in New York: Innovative Policies at the Urban Frontier2010,

Cycling safety has improved, with steady or declining numbers of cyclist injuries and fatalities in spite of rapidly rising cycling volumes. Some serious deficiencies remain, however

active policyjohn-pucher
Economic Impacts of the RiverLINE2010, , ,

This report documents the economic impacts of the RiverLINE, a light rail line connecting Trenton and Camden, New Jersey.

finance-economics transit land-usedaniel-g-chatman stephanie-dipetrillo
Impact of Demographic Changes on Transit Patterns in New Jersey2010, , , ,

Foreign-born residents of New Jersey account for a fifth of its population but almost 40 percent of its transit commuters and all growth in transit commuting since 1980.

planning transit transportation-systems-planningdaniel-g-chatman nicholas-j-klein stephanie-dipetrillo
Technologies to Measure Indicators for Road User Charging2010, ,

A set of variable road user charging indicators is identified herein by considering both the associated costs of a trip and the operational requirements for a feasible road pricing scheme.

finance-economics policy researchrobert-b-noland
Transportation and Climate Change: Developing Technologies, Policies and Strategies2010

In the past 40 years, the developed world has mitigated many of the adverse environmental and public health impacts from transportation emissions—particularly in reducing the tailpipe pollutants from the burning of gasoline and diesel fuels.

Legislative and Regulatory Moves to Reduce Transportation’s Greenhouse Gas Emissions2010,

This article reviews recent congressional legislation promulgating regulations to reduce transportation’s greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.

transit sustainabilityrobert-b-noland
Causal Linkages Between Highways and Sector-Level Employment2010, , ,

This paper has sought to disentangle the causal relationship between highway infrastructure and employment, using panel data for the 48 contiguous US states from 1984 to 1997.

finance-economics planning policy researchrobert-b-noland
An Analysis of Gasoline Demand Elasticities at the National and Local Levels in Mexico2010, ,

Crôtte, A., Noland, R.B. & D.J. Graham. 2010, “An Analysis of Gasoline Demand Elasticities at …

finance-economics research sustainabilityrobert-b-noland
Walking and Cycling to Health: Recent Evidence from City, State, and International Comparisons2010, ,

Together with many other studies, our analysis provides evidence of the population-level health benefits of active travel. Policies on transport, land-use, and urban development should be designed to encourage walking and cycling for daily travel.

active healthy-safety researchjohn-pucher
A Semiparametric Model of Household Gasoline Demand2010, ,

This paper models US gasoline demand using more flexible semiparametric techniques, accommodating the possibility of differences in responses among households.

finance-economics policy sustainability
Gasoline Demand with Heterogeneity in Household Responses2010,

This paper presents results from a household level gasoline demand model which accommodates variation in price and income elasticity with increasing income as well as for different socio-economic characteristics in the USA.

finance-economics sustainabilityrobert-b-noland
An Analysis of Trip Chaining among Older London Residents2010, , ,

This paper examines the trip chaining complexity of individuals in London. We adopt two definitions of trip chaining.

planning policy research land-userobert-b-noland
Infrastructure, Programs and Policies to Increase Bicycling: An International Review2010, , ,

The 14 case studies show that almost all cities adopting comprehensive packages of interventions experienced large increases in the number of bicycle trips and share of people bicycling.

active planning policy researchjohn-pucher
Estimating the Effect of Urban Density on Fuel Demand2010, , , ,

The present paper addresses this theme by estimating a fuel demand model for urban areas to provide a direct estimate of the elasticity of demand with respect to urban density.

active planning transit sustainability land-userobert-b-noland
Reconciling the Construct of Walking in Physical Activity and Transportation Research2009, , ,

This article describes the challenges the groups faced in their work, the way in which the public health and economic approaches were integrated, and the questions left unanswered.

active healthy-safety planning research
Pedestrian and Vehicle Flow Calibration in Multimodal Traffic Microsimulation2009, ,

This paper provides a method for including pedestrians in a vehicle microsimulation model, specifically the VISSIM model.

active researchmuhammad-moazzam-ishaque robert-b-noland
Estimation of Road Traffic Demand Elasticities for Mexico City, Mexico2009, , , , ,

A study was done to estimate price, income, vehicle stock, metro fares, and fuel-efficiency elasticities of the demand for road traffic in Mexico City, Mexico.

finance-economics planning policy researchamado-crotte daniel-j-graham robert-b-noland
Feasibility of Rail Access to Liberty State Park2009, ,

A studio project regarding possible creation of a rail component to Liberty State Park in northern New Jersey.

planning land-use transportation-systems-planningvtc
Is the Mexico City Metro an Inferior Good?2009, , , ,

This paper attempts to separate the overall income effect into two uncorrelated components: a vehicle stock effect (used as a proxy for medium/high income) and minimum wage effect net of the influence of vehicle stock (used as a proxy for low income).

active finance-economics transitamado-crotte daniel-j-graham robert-b-noland
Highway Infrastructure Investment and County Employment Growth: A Dynamic Panel Regression Analysis2008, , , , ,

This paper uses recent advances in dynamic panel econometrics to examine the impact of highway infrastructure on aggregate county-level employment using data for all 100 North Carolina counties from 1985 through 1997.

finance-economics planning researchdaniel-j-graham john-w-polak piyapong-jiwattanakulpaisarn robert-b-noland
Informed Intuition: Discussion Paper for Newark’s Transit Future2008, , , , ,

This report highlights the health of neighborhoods and the impact that efficient (or inefficient) movement of people into, out of and through the city has on the viability of commerce, and citizens’ access to employment.

finance-economics planning policy transit reports land-usemartin-e-robins
Travel Trends Vol. 7 No. 1, Fall 20072007

This report by the Alan M. Voorhees Transportation Center is intended to better inform public …

Flexible Design Of New Jersey’s Main Streets2002,

This 2002 report provides an investigation of possible changes in design standards for highways passing through New Jersey communities.

active land-use
Review of Guidelines and Standards for Accommodating Bicycle & Getting Bicycles Through Intersections2002

A review and comparison of the NJ Bicycle Planning and Design Guideline, the NJ Roadway Design Manual, the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Official’s Guide for the Development of Bicycle Facilities and other national and international guidelines.
